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Fact or Fiction: Can You Shower During a Thunderstorm?

Kit Kittlestad

7 months ago
Adobe Stock

One thing people love to do is debunk an old wives’ tale. It’s important to study traditional beliefs to see if there’s any truth to them or anything we can do to improve our own understanding. 

A common question is, “Can you shower during a thunderstorm?” That’s an interesting one with a few caveats. Let’s explore the dynamics of a thunderstorm first to understand what’s happening in the atmosphere before diving into the dangers. 

Can You Shower During a Thunderstorm?

You can, of course, shower during a thunderstorm. Many of us have. But, it’s not recommended to run any water – especially through metal piping – when lightning strikes are in the area. 

Below, we’ll break down the dynamics of a storm to illustrate how anything that carries an electrical current can become an instrument of danger. 



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