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Extreme Heat is Killing Honeybees and Their Homes

Alexis Thornton

Last year

Save the bees! You've likely heard this phrase plenty of times, and maybe even acted upon advocacy for the movement. The importance of honeybees extend farther than just wanting to avoid another species extinction.

Honeybees are a vital species to our ecosystem - food production in particular. According to the National Resource Defense Council, if bees were go extinct, it wouldn't be the end for humanity, however it would cause our diets to extremely suffer, the variety of foods - such as almonds, coffee, apples, avocados, onions, and berries - would become very rare or even disappear, and the cost of certain products would sky rocket.

You can do all you can for the movement, but now there's another obstacle in the way of saving the bees.

Extreme Heat and Honeybees

Entomologists continue to grow concerned with the increasing amount of dead honeybees as deadly, ruthless heat burns through Arizona.



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