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Fluctuating Temperatures in Store for the Northeastern U.S.

Alexis Thornton

4 months ago
Credit: Weather Forecast Now

It is going to be a topsy turvy start to the month of July for the Northeast. Shots of chilly air will juxtapose with bouts of heat and storms in the coming days in this corner of the country. Here is what you can expect out of this varied forecast.

Northeast Forecast to See Yo-Yo Temperatures Pattern

The Northeast is in store for weather whiplash heading into the first week of July with noticeable swings in the temperatures and times of stormy activity. The weather forecast in the Northeast will be in contrast to the steady heat that has enveloped much of the southern U.S. thanks to a stubborn heat dome that refuses to budge. The upper fringe of the heat dome will play host to a number of successive fronts that will trigger the rapid warmups and cooldowns for the Midwest and the Northeast.

This parade of fronts will set the stage for cycles of heat and unseasonably cool temperatures for much of the Northeast and beyond. The time in between the cooling and warming will be marked with thunderstorm activity thanks to the energy associated with each frontal boundary.

In the immediate future, a surge of cool air is expected to push into Northeast late Friday. Residents will be reaching for hoodies and jackets in the evening hours as the mercury falls to levels not seen in some time.

Do not get too used to the fall like weather. A surge of warmth and humidity will begin to filter into the region by Saturday morning with temperatures back on the upswing by the afternoon hours. For instance, after seeing a high of just 77 degrees on Friday, New York City will inch up into the low 80s on Saturday. Readings will climb into the upper 80s on Sunday in the Big Apple before dropping again over the first few days of the new week.

Wet Weather Could Dampen Saturday Plans

The rise in humidity on Saturday will also support the development of sporadic rain showers and thunderstorms. Areas such as New York City are forecast to see the greatest chance of thunderstorm activity on Sunday. Strong winds and small hail are potential impacts of these storm cells. Lingering thunderstorms in the evening hours will gradually dissipate and usher in a calmer and drier weather pattern beginning on Monday.

Temperatures are forecast to hit readings as high as 90 degrees in parts of the mid-Atlantic ahead of the Saturday cool front. The high humidity levels in this region will also serve as fuel for the thunderstorm development in places such as Richmond, Virginia on Saturday.

Those with outdoor plans over the last weekend of June will want to be aware of the possibility of severe weather. Frequent lightning strikes could pose dangers for those spending time outside in the next few days.



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