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Forecasters Warn Dallas, Texas of Dangerous Flash Flood Threat

Alexis Thornton

Last year

While cool air flows into the U.S. from Canada, some areas of the country will be feeling more like fall. However, the drastic shift from warm to cool weather is forecasted to bring heavy downpours and dangerous flash flooding conditions to portions of north-central and northeastern Texas, including the Dallas and Fort Worth Metroplex into Thursday morning.

At Least One Inch of Rain to Fall Per Hour

Although it may be impossible for forecasters to predict exactly what will this storm system will bring, they're warning that life-threatening flash flooding could occur on parts of interstates 20, 30, 35, and 45 near Dallas.

Along with strong winds and hail, at least 1 inch of rainfall per hour is expected. This is enough to easily flood storm drains and quickly overflow dry streambeds.

This area has been drought-stricken after a long and dry summer, so while the moisture is much-needed, it could cause dangerous situations. The ground can act more like concrete after a dry spell, making it much harder to absorb water and more susceptible to flooding.



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