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Keeping Your Dog Cool and Comfortable in the Summer Heat

Alexis Thornton

Last year

Summer is here, and while your dog might be enjoying the time outside, it's essential to ensure that your pup stays cool and healthy during the hot days ahead. Here are some valuable tips for dog owners to follow:

Keep Your Dog Hydrated

Just like humans, dogs need to stay properly hydrated in the summer. Since water constitutes about 60% of a dog's total body weight, it's crucial to keep their water stores replenished. Most veterinarians recommend providing your dog with up to an ounce of water per pound of body weight.

If your dog spends a lot of time outside, make sure their water bowl is always filled with fresh water. It's also important to note that saltwater can dehydrate dogs, so if you're taking your furry friend to the beach, bring along fresh water.

Also be cautious about lake or stream water, as it may contain bacteria that could make your dog sick.



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