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May Brings the Peak of Tornado Season and Tropical Weather

Alexis Thornton

9 months ago

Key Takeaways

  • May is peak tornado season in the US, with an average of 278 tornadoes.

  • The Atlantic hurricane season unofficially starts in May, with the Caribbean and Gulf of Mexico most likely for early tropical storms.

  • May is the beginning of the wet season in Florida and the end of the wet season in California. • May weather brings a sharp rise in temperatures across the US, with highs reaching the mid-80s in many areas and exceeding 90 degrees in some southern regions.

As the calendar flips to a new month, what can you expect for general May weather trends across the U.S.?

May is a typical transitional month when it comes to weather, meaning that nearly anything is on the table from tornado season to tropical weather. The rapid fluctuation in conditions can also often leave people with a feeling of whiplash.

Here is a more detailed look at some of the major changes and happenings that you can expect during the month of May.



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