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Monsoon Moisture Will Fuel Stormy Conditions for Interior West and Plains

Alexis Thornton

6 months ago
Denver, Colorado | Adobe Stock

Some of the most severe weather activity in the country will zone in on the Front Range region in the coming days. Read on for everything that you need to know about this potentially rocky weather forecast for the Rocky Mountain region and beyond.

Storms Over the Weekend for the Intermountain West and Plains

The weekend is going to serve as a sign of what is to come this week across the Intermountain West and into portions of the Plains. A pattern featuring daily thunderstorms will be the story over the next several days with the action getting started this weekend.

The primary impact zone on Saturday stretched from the Rockies and down into the northern and eastern part of Wyoming, the north-central and eastern parts of Colorado, and to the east into the Plains. This translated to a stormy day for communities in and around Denver and up into Cheyenne, Wyoming.

Storms western Kansas | Adobe Stock

The activity fired up on Saturday morning in an area from the northeastern fringe of New Mexico and up into eastern Oklahoma. Rainfall of over an inch fell across this region over the course of three hours, triggering flash flood warnings as the sun was coming up.

Sunday's forecast is calling for storms to erupt in a swath of land from eastern Wyoming and northeastern Colorado, over into portions of western Kansas, and down into the Texas and Oklahoma panhandles. This region will be under the threat of severe weather as the energy sweeps down from the Rockies and into the Plains.

Potential impacts of Sunday's weather maker include hail, flash flooding, strong winds, and isolated tornadoes.



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