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Must-See Astronomy Calendar Events for the December 2023 Night Sky

Alexis Thornton

Last year

Frigid but clear, December nights brim with cosmic wonders. Meteor showers paint flashy streaks as the Geminids and Ursids dance through darkness. Planets Venus and Neptune approach each other for a close visual treat while the moon occults Mars and Saturn.

The solstice signals shorter days ahead as the Andromeda Galaxy makes a fine sight. For the intrepid astronomer braving cold, long nights, December promises abundant rewards: meteor storms, planetary alignments, the turn of seasons and drapes of stars in neighboring galaxies.

December 2 – Apex of the Phoenicid Meteor Display

While December heralds two more prolific meteor showers—the Geminids and Ursids—an opening astronomical act occurred on the second: the peak of the Phoenicid meteors. Though relatively unimpressive, with just a few streaks per hour, this shower inaugurated December as a month of cosmic light shows.

For most North American observers, the Phoenicid radiant lurks below the horizon, better visible from more equatorial latitudes. So, for those in Central/South America, Southern Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and Oceania, take advantage of your geography and look south after dusk on the second, perhaps catching a meteor or two to commence the month with celestial flair.



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