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Recycling of E-waste Remains Dismal While E-waste Generation Continues to Grow

Alexis Thornton

11 months ago

According to a report released by the United Nations Global E-waste Monitor, a new record high amount of e-waste was generated in 2022.

That is the last year formal records are available for as of 2024. Worldwide, people generated over 68 million tons of e-waste in 2022. The amount of e-waste is going up by about 2.54 million tons annually.

From 2010 to 2022, the amount of e-waste generated has almost doubled annually. Experts believe that the amount will increase to 180 billion tons by 2030.

Multiple factors, including technological progress, increased consumption, limited repair options, short lifecycles and inadequate e-waste management infrastructure, cause this sharp increase.

What is E-Waste?



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