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Soaring Temperatures Threaten the Great Barrier Reef

Alexis Thornton

6 months ago
Bleached coral underwater in the Great Barrier Reef | Adobe Stock

The spectacular Great Barrier Reef is one of Australia's greatest natural wonders. The location of the UNESCO World Heritage Site is Australia's northeast coast. The site features the most extensive collection of coral reefs in the world, 600 varieties of coral, and 1,625 fish species. The reef is the habitat of the sea cow and the large green turtle, both of which are in danger of extinction. The reef features cross-shelf diversity from shallow water along the coastline, mid-shelf and continental reefs, and the continental shelf, where the ocean depths reach more than 2000 meters. The spectacular reef is so extensive it's visible from space.

The Threat From High Ocean Temperatures

Ocean temperatures surrounding the Great Barrier Reef have risen due to climate change. The temperature in the waters surrounding the reef is at the highest level in 400 years. Researchers say the world is losing one of its icons, and it's due to human activity. The intense heat has pushed the average temperature to as much as one degree Celsius higher than average. Coral Sea temperatures have reached their highest levels six out of 10 times in the last decade.

Bleached coral underwater in the Great Barrier Reef | Adobe Stock

The Role of Coral in the Ocean



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