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Texas Flooding Remains a Concern Heading Into New Week

Alexis Thornton

9 months ago

Nearly every corner of the globe has been touched by some degree of flooding this week. Here is a look at the parts of the world, including a Texas flooding, that have been grappling with torrential rain and the resulting flood.

Texas Flooding Caused By Heavy Rain

Southeast Texas rain totals have reached over a foot over the last few days, prompting major flooding across the region. The Texas flooding reached its peak on Thursday, forcing the rescues of hundreds of people as homes and vehicles were submerged in the rising waters.

The flooding stretched across a zone from College Station and down into Houston. Motorists who attempted to drive through the water were swept away in some cases. The town of Livingston, located about 70 miles to the northeast of Houston, was hit particularly hard.

Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo released a disaster declaration for the area, taking note that the people living close to the banks of the eastern fork of the San Jacinto River were the most at risk and needed to evacuate.



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