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lahaina, maui

The Impact of the Lahaina, Maui Fire One Year Later

Alexis Thornton

6 months ago
Lahaina, Maui | Adobe Stock

Even a year after the raging fires that destroyed Lahaina, Maui which ended 102 peoples' lives, efforts are continuing to clean up the remains of the damages to the once renowned Hawaiian territory. Unfortunately, the surviving residents still have nowhere to call home. The original stores and homes that once stood in Lahaina still haven't been reconstructed.

Property developers feel it's an opportune time to ask locals to purchase the land they own to advance and rebuild Lahaina to its former glory. This tactic is to stave off possible predatory investments that could take place because of this tragic time for the Maui-based town.

While rebuilding Lahaina, locals hope property developers can make business buildings and homes more resistant to fire, so there's less damage if another wildfire occurs. The Lahainan people hope the rebuilding efforts will honor their native culture while celebrating one of the holiest locations in Hawaii.

How Lahaina Came To Be

Lahaina was designated as Hawaii's capital via King Kamehameha in 1802. Quickly becoming known as the "Venice of the Pacific" when the Europeans arrived on the island, Lahaina was a key agricultural site for Hawaiians mostly for growing taro. The historic town was also a popular fishing village with prominent whale trading throughout the Pacific. Fast forward to the present, Lahaina is a tourist destination popular primarily for its restaurants by the water.



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