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Warnings Issued for Those Driving During Solar Eclipse on April 8

Alexis Thornton

7 months ago

A letter published in the Journal of the American Medical Association Internal Medicine says that thos driving during solar eclipse were 31% more likely to experience around the time of a solar eclipse. The letter authored by Dr. Don Redelmeier of the University of Toronto says that the eclipse itself does not cause the accident.

Instead, people may be speeding, trying to get to the place where they intend to watch the eclipse. Others will be driving on roads that they are not familiar with, while others will try to watch the eclipse from the side of the road after not getting their car far enough off the highway.

Still, others will turn it into a daylong celebration and drink too much.

Pilots Warned

In addition, the Federal Aviation Administration has warned pilots to prepare for operational changes during the upcoming eclipse on April 8, 2024.



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