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What is the Hottest City in the U.S.?

Kit Kittlestad

5 months ago
Hot City Day | Adobe Stock

When you think about the hottest city in the U.S., do you envision vast deserts, cloudless skies, and relentless sunshine? You’re pretty close to the mark. Most of these cities are in the Southwest and, while they can be pretty unforgiving when it comes to the sun, they also hold a lot of historical significance, as well as plenty of sites to see. 

Top Hottest City in the U.S.

First on the list is Phoenix. Not only is it the hottest city in Arizona, but also the hottest city in the US today. With an average high of about 106°F during the summer months, peak temperatures can actually soar all the way up to 110°F.

Perhaps the toughest times of the year are June through September. But, if you’ve ever wondered what it feels like to live in the heart of the desert, Phoenix will deliver. With nearly 300 days of sunshine per year, the rainfall is also rather sparse, averaging little more than eight inches per annum.

Las Vegas, Nevada



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