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Brief Break From Moisture for the Northwest on Monday After Soggy Weekend

Alexis Thornton

Last year

There has been no rest for the water-logged Pacific Northwest as a robust atmospheric river continues to drench the region with persistent rainfall. This active weather pattern is forest to linger into the early part of the week, raising the risk of flooding just before another storm system makes its way into this corner of the U.S.

###Flooding Concerns for Northwest as Atmospheric River Sets Up Over Region

It has been a wet weekend for the Northwest, even by the typical standard of this time of the year. The immense moisture has come at the hands of an atmospheric river setting up across the northwestern edge of the country and up into British Columbia, Canada. Some of the hardest-hit communities will bring the month of January to a close with about a foot of rainfall, well above the historical average.

As is expected, the threat of flooding will continue to be an issue as the rain falls in droves. This risk is particularly heightened in urban communities and low-lying areas with poor drainage. Many rivers and streams in the region have already inched above flood stage levels as a result of the immense moisture inundating the region over the last few days.

The month began with significant snowfall for the Cascades and other mountain ranges in the Northwest. The warmer temperatures as of late have caused much of this snow to melt at a fast clip, contributing to the risk of flooding. The threat of landslides throughout western portions of Washington and Oregon has also been exacerbated due to the snow melt.



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