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Geminid Meteor Shower Predicted to Dazzle Night Skies Across America This Week

Alexis Thornton

Last year

Stargazers across much of the United States can expect a dazzling display in the night sky this week courtesy of the annual Geminid meteor shower, considered one of the most spectacular cosmic shows of the year according to astronomers and NASA scientists. With clear to partly cloudy weather forecasts countrywide on Wednesday and Thursday when the meteor shower reaches its peak, this year's

Geminid promises to offer optimal viewing conditions and a memorable experience for amateur astronomy enthusiasts and families.

The meteor shower occurs every December as the Earth passes through a trail of dust and debris left behind by the 3200 Phaethon asteroid, a massive 3.17-mile wide space rock that orbits the sun from a distance of more than 6.4 million miles away. As the gritty cosmic litter enters Earth's atmosphere, it burns up, creating vivid streaking bursts of light across the heavens.

At its peak, skywatchers can expect to witness up to 120 meteors flashing overhead per hour, a stunning celestial fireworks display.

While the spectacular show will be visible across all the United States, the Northern Hemisphere will provide front-row views, according to experts.



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