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How the Glaciers Melting Impacts the Entire World

Kit Kittlestad

5 months ago
Glaciers and Icebergs of Arctic and Antarctic Melting | Adobe Stock

Did you know that glaciers have been silently sculpting our planet for millions of years? They also contain nearly 70% of the earth’s freshwater, making them essential to sustaining our ecosystems. 

How do glaciers form? Well, it’s important to understand what is a glacier. A glacier is a body of dense ice that is constantly moving downhill under the force of its own gravity and weight. 

Although there are many different types of glaciers, they form when snow remains in the same area year-round and is enough to accumulate and transform into ice. 

With all that in mind, we should be concerned that glaciers are melting at an alarming rate. This will lead to a cascade of consequences that extend far beyond glacial regions. 

Are the Glaciers Melting?



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