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More Stormy Weather in the Forecast for the East Coast and Midwest

Alexis Thornton

4 months ago
Credit: Adobe Stock

There will be no break from the stormy activity throughout the eastern U.S. and the Midwest this weekend. The first weekend of July will bring more chances of gusty thunderstorms, hail, and lightning. Read on for the latest forecast for this part of the country.

Storms Will Continue to Prowl the Eastern Half of the U.S. in Coming Days

Thunderstorms are in the forecast for Friday, Saturday, and Sunday for a large portion of the eastern and central U.S., potentially putting a damper on the long holiday weekend. While the weekend is not likely to be completely disrupted by the storms, those with outdoor plans will want to stay on top of the hourly forecast.

Friday's forecast is calling for the threat of severe weather from the Tennessee Valley and up into Michigan and across to New Hampshire and Massachusetts. Although the storms will not be widespread, those that do experience the severe weather could see serious impacts ranging from gusty winds to torrential rain.

In addition to the standard storm cell impacts, this weather maker may also create isolated tornadoes Friday afternoon and evening. The line of storms will form ahead of a cool front. While this cool front will not bring down the temperatures considerably, it may still be enough to feel noticeable after the hot weather as of late.

By Saturday, the storms will push farther to east, encompassing a large zone of the Atlantic Seaboard from New England and down into the Carolinas and Georgia. As is typical for this time of the year, the greatest risk of storms will happen during the afternoon and evening hours as the mercury rises and provides the fuel for the storms.

Cities under the gun for Saturday's storm development include Boston, New York City, Philadelphia, New York City, Raleigh, and more. The coastal areas will be under the gun for storms to erupt in the evening hours. For instance, New York City is bracing for scattered storms throughout the day and into the evening hours. The cloud cover will keep temperatures in the upper 80s before slipping into the mid 70s after the sun goes down in the Big Apple.

Looking Ahead to Sunday

By Sunday, the greatest risk of storms on the East Coast will be across the southern portion of the Atlantic coastline. This means that communities such as Rehoboth Beach, Delaware will see a chance of sporadic thunderstorms to bring the weekend to a close. Highs will hover in the mid 80s in the beach town with overnight lows expected to bottom out at about the 70-degree mark.

The Great Plains will also see more storms come to life at the end of the weekend. Cities such as Kansas City will be in the crosshairs for severe weather on Sunday. The metro area that straddles the state border of Kansas and Missouri is forecast to top out with a high of 83 degrees, pairing with lows in the upper 60s. The rain in this region will hold on into the early hours of Monday before finally clearing out and paving the way for a drier week ahead.

The primary impacts of Sunday's storms will be damaging winds and hail. Some of the storm cells will also deliver heavy rain that can create the chance of flash flooding as the moisture trains over the region.



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