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Powerful Winds Could Create Trouble for California as West Coast Undergoes Significant Weather Change

Alexis Thornton

11 months ago

The West Coast will finally enjoy a break from the persistent winter storms that have dumped rain and snow over the region in regular intervals lately. However, will this break from the moisture come at a price?

Forecasters are warning that strong winds will precede the forecast warmup for the region. Here is what you need to know about the powerful winds gearing up to whip around the western U.S.

Northward Bulge in Jet Stream Triggers Weather Change Out West

A dramatic change in the weather pattern will begin to take hold on Wednesday across the West Coast. It has been a wet stretch of days for the region, particularly in the Pacific Northwest. The water-logged communities are going to enter an extended drying period heading into the weekend but it will come with the added risk of gusty conditions.

Forecasters are warning that the winds will be the most prevalent in California, surging to speeds that could create widespread power outages. The storm that hit the West Coast to start the week is moving to the east and into the Rockies on Wednesday. This weather maker will bring significant snow to Denver through the end of the week.



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