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Rain and Snow on the Way to California as 2023 Comes to a Close

Alexis Thornton

Last year

The period of dry weather is coming to an end in California during the waning days of 2023.

The upcoming surge of moisture will come in the form of both rain and snow, potentially disrupting travel plans as people head home after the holidays. Here is the latest on this forecast.

Travel Disruptions Likely in Coming Days in California Thanks to Wet Weather Pattern

It was a relatively calm and quiet Christmas holiday for the state of California. However, an incoming storm system is gearing up to bring disruptions to the Golden State as the calendar flips from December to January.

The major metropolitan areas of Los Angeles and San Francisco will be dealing with rain while the higher elevations of the state will see snow. An intrusion of colder air will bring snow levels to elevations that have escaped the wintry weather thus far this season.



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