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Rain for the Southeast While the Northeast Remains Dry

Alexis Thornton

7 months ago

The eastern half of the country is going to be under the gun for periodic rain showers and storms in the coming days. Who will see the most moisture and when it will start and end? Read on for the details.

Northern U.S. Will Remain Mostly Dry and Pleasant in Days Ahead

Some parts of the eastern U.S. will see torrential rainfall in the coming days while other areas will dodge the bulk of the moisture. Although there will be some exceptions, the general rule is that the northern half of the Eastern Seaboard will see cool and dry air while the southern half will be hit with moisture-rich air capable of producing drenching rainfall.

Those in the Great Lakes and the Northeast will appreciate the reprieve from the heat and the stormy conditions beginning on Thursday. Falling temperatures will also allow residents to open their windows and give air conditioning systems a break from working overtime as of late.

Daily highs across this part of the region will still be warm enough for outdoor water activities. Lower humidity levels will make it more pleasant to spend time outside even during the middle of the day.



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