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Spring Cleaning Tips All Homeowners Should Be Doing

Alexis Thornton

8 months ago

Owning a home is a great privilege, especially these days. While that comes with a great deal of pride, it also comes with a great deal of responsibility.

Spring is the perfect time to clean out any unnecessary clutter and do a maintenance check on some of the most important things you use everyday.

However, you shouldn't wait until when springtime rolls around every year to keep up with deep cleaning. There are many things you should do for spring cleaning and once a month if you’re a homeowner to maintain your house, and save you some time and money down the line.

Clean Your HVAC Filters

It’s a good practice to check your HVAC filters once a month. It’s one of the items in the house that gets used all year round, making it one of the top items on a homeowner’s maintenance checklist.



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