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Tropical Storm Harold Makes Landfall in Southern Texas

Alexis Thornton

Last year

It was just 12 hours ago that Harold was classified as a tropical storm, and now it has made landfall in South Texas. Forecasters predict that this tropical storm will continue to impact Texas and Mexico with heavy downpours and flooding through the middle of the week.

Where Did Harold Land?

On Tuesday morning around 10am, Harold struck Padre Island, Texas. Some took to social media to post videos of the sky darkening, and the wind easily blowing palm trees and street signs.

Harold had already hit southern Texas with heavy rain, and the National Hurricane Center expects up to six inches of rainfall through early Wednesday. Corpus Christi International Airport has already seen at least two inches of rain.

National Weather Service meteorologist, Bob Oravec warned that the storm is moving very quickly. The warm waters of the Gulf of Mexico has helped Harold strengthen so fast. Water temperatures have been well into the 80's across the central and western Gulf.



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