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Turbulence on Delta Flight Sends Several Passengers to the Hospital

Alexis Thornton

Last year

Turbulence — that exhilarating roller coaster ride in the sky that even the most seasoned travelers secretly dread. We've all been there, gripping the armrest with white-knuckled determination, as the plane dances through pockets of chaotic air. But let's be real here, folks.

As nerve-wracking as it can be, turbulence has mostly been that annoying backseat driver on our flight, whining and complaining. Until, of course, it decided to up its game and turn into the grand finale of bad flights – injuring passengers and playing doctor by sending them straight to the hospital as it did on one recent flight.

Around twelve passengers were injured as a result of turbulence encountered during a Delta Air Lines flight from Milan to Atlanta on Tuesday.

Delta issued a statement that their flight DL175 underwent intense turbulence prior to a safe landing in Atlanta, and the Federal Aviation Administration announced that the incident occurred when the flight was approximately 40 miles northeast of Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport.

The plane successfully landed around 7 p.m. Following the landing, eleven passengers and crew members were taken to the hospital for treatment of their injuries.



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