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Best Locations For Apple Picking in the U.S.

Kit Kittlestad

5 months ago
Apple picking | Adobe Stock

Apple picking season is one of the most joyous times of the year. It marks the end of a sun-filled summer and offers a brief moment to pause for reflection before we enter into the winter months. 

Whether you find yourself in the northeast corridor or further west, there’s likely to be an apple orchard nearby to satiate all your fall harvest desires. 

Time For Apple Picking!

When is apple picking season? While it varies across the country, a good rule of thumb is to know that it can start as early as late August and continue all the way through November in certain parts. 

Below, we’ve crafted a list that takes you from the northeast, to the midwest, and wraps up in Oregon. You can review their website before you go, but it’s likely things will be in full swing wherever you go. 



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