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Blizzard Warnings Issued for Portions of Northern Plains

Alexis Thornton

Last year

A blizzard is bearing down on a portion of the northern Plains starting on Christmas Day and lasting through Tuesday. Travel may become complicated as the snow ramps up over the next several hours. Here is what you need to know about this potentially disruptive forecast.

Blizzard Warnings Issued for Portions of Northern Plains

Meteorologists are warning that travel issues may abound along interstates 80 and 90 early this week thanks to the dangerous pairing of snow and wind. The blizzard conditions are part of the same storm system that brought significant snow to the interior West earlier in the weekend.

The weather maker is forecast to intensify as it churns to the east in the coming days, resulting in the good possibility of blizzard conditions for the northern High Plains.

Blizzard warnings were issued on Sunday for a large portion of Nebraska and up into South Dakota. The snow had already started to fall when the warnings were issued with forecasters warning that it will only get worse by Tuesday.



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